Thank Jebus for Democracy. Without the concept of democracy, any number of randomly authoritative d@@chebags* could have poo-pooed my submission and sh^tbagged it****, like the d@@chebags* they are.
Anyhooz, I think you get the point.
* I don't allow profanity on my blog, so I replace them with funny characters like "@."**
** Except for "choad" and/or "chode" (alternate spellings)***
*** Which I do not think are profane, since I've heard and seen both on primetime TV; the last bastion of decency in the US.
**** I don't actually know if "^" is a good alternate for "I" but here we are. You know what it's good for? Laughy eyes like this: ^.^ *****
***** I should submit "laughy eyes" to Urban Dictionary. Problem: people have to know how to spell "laugh" to find it. Ugh. Stupid language.